If you are a Christian then you are a chosen person. You were chosen, not for anything you did (or would do) or who you are. Your were chosen from the beginning of time and God was waiting for you …. to chose.
You were chosen by Him in love. Being chosen is not something you earn or can buy – and there is absolutely nothing you can do to merit being chosen. However, you have to choose to be chosen. This is your choice, your free choice but it opens up to you absolutely everything.
The choice on your part – to repent, to turn away from all those things that are contrary to following on His path and to turn toward Jesus and accept Him as your Lord. But in accepting Him as Lord you become a heir, a son/daughter of the Most High God. You trade your unrighteous (not in right standing with God) state to being the righteous. But this is only the beginning.
In the next few posts I’m going to address some of the things you are chosen into if you’ve made the choice to choose Him. Being chosen is not a magic wand and it does require you to continue to grow in the things of the Lord. It requires you to study to show yourself approved. But in the growing and studying you are also strengthening who you are and whose you are.