You were chosen by love… for love… to love. And you can spend the rest of your life trying to understand this….. While this is extremely important since it marks the context, there are other aspects to consider. Why were you chosen? The simplest response is… does it matter? You were. Then again, everyone is (according to scripture). However you responded to the invitation by choosing and that says it all.
I realize this sounds far too simplistic. The reality is that we try to complicate matters because it really is just that simple. And just that complex. To completely cover the reality of what we have been chosen into, to plumb those riches, could take a lifetime. One of the more obvious ‘conditions’ we have been chosen into is: love.
I mentioned this first because love is the glue and it is the foundation of everything else. It was love by the Father who sent His Son to be our way back into relationship with Him. It was love by the Son who freely gave His life so that we had a way. Our response has to be love in return. But it is a love that is strong (and no, not tough love – that one makes little sense) and yet resilient. This is a love that doesn’t give up or give in, it doesn’t compromise but is still gentle.
And it is love toward the Father and Son but also love toward one another. To be honest, the first is a lot easier than the second. And, if you are at all similar to me, love toward one another can be hard (I might even say ‘impossible’ at times). But we weren’t asked about the ease of love – we have been told that this is something we need to be, to do.
And we have examples in reading about what Jesus did, who He was in relationships. Using Him as the guide, we can be His love extended to others. Fortunately we have the Holy Spirit working with us to aid us in accomplishing this. Personally I could never do this without Him.