You do realize that ambassadors are always by appointment – yes? Did you also realize that ambassadors are held accountable according to the laws of the country they represent – not the country they reside in/are sent to? Does this begin to give you a beginning understanding of what you are chosen to be?
In case you don’t feel like an ambassador or think you are one or even like the consideration that you could be one since you feel inadequate – look to scripture which tells you, unequivocally, exactly who and what you are. 2 Corinthians 5 beginning in verse 17 gives us our assignment as ambassadors.
As a born again Christian, we all have the assignment, the appointment as ambassadors. Verse 20 outlines this and tells us what our ‘job responsibilities’ are. We really have only one task – to witness to (share) the saving grace that occurs because we have accepted Jesus as Lord. We are to proclaim this message so all in our hearing know. And we demonstrate the effect of this through our actions.
We are His ambassadors to the world we live in. What we all need to know and appreciate is that while we are held accountable to this position, we also gain our sustenance and strength from the Person who appointed us. We are not left to our own devises, we are enabled by Him who sent us.