I know, I know…. everyone has written on the Lord’s Prayer countless times. Sometimes we almost seem too familiar with it and don’t really see or appreciate it. The prayer is incredibly powerful because it was given by Jesus in answer to a question by His disciples. By watching Him they all noticed that often Jesus went off by Himself to be alone and pray. They also saw the impact prayer had on what the Lord did. So they came to Him and asked Him about prayer and to teach them to pray.
But the Lord’s Prayer is more than mere recitation of the words, as beautiful as they are. It is also a model of how we should pray: what the components of prayer are. Again, this has been written on by countless authors and I really have nothing new to add, but I would like to restate them so we all have a similar understanding.
As a model, there are 7 topics or parts (and 7 represents completion, the total): the greeting or acknowledgment of who the prayer is directed toward, acknowledging the Person through praise, next comes the statement on God’s priorities, then seeking provision, indicating the need for and act of forgiving, acknowledging the power of God over all and His deliverance, and a final statement of praise. Those 7 topics/parts should provide all of us with the model of prayer.
Jesus had much to say about prayer. It is an act of submission but it is also an act of power. Prayer is a defense against the turbulence of the times and it is an offensive act. Prayer is a shield and a protection and it is a foundation to go forth.