Do you have one? Actually, vision is so important that the Word tells us we will perish for the lack of one! This is not something to be taken lightly.
So what, exactly, is a ‘vision’? Vision is the motivating force that propels us toward our future, our destiny. Vision is the panoramic ‘big picture’ view of who we are in relation to what our goals are. Vision provides us a standard to judge if our actions are leading us toward the goal of the vision. Vision is our foundation and structure when we are buffeted by the ‘storms of life’. Vision is what pushes us onward when all seems lost or we feel totally inadequate to the task. Vision is the journey.
And those descriptions only scratch the surface of what a vision is and does. There may be those who would insist that they don’t have a vision. If this is true then they need some time to determine their ‘heart’s desire’. What is it that moves you forward, onward? What is it that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? What is it that determines your choices, your decisions?
I would contend that we all have a vision, albeit undefined in some cases, that is directing our lives – whether or not we acknowledge this. It’s like a map. If we don’t have a destination in mind, how do we know when we arrive? And if we don’t have a map to help guide us, then we waste so much time in false starts or misdirection. This is also true, in its simplest state, of what a vision is and does. A vision…. leads.