What is it? And is it really important? What’s the absence of commitment?
Commitment is believing in and acting on something regardless of knowing the results of your efforts. It is believing in/being totally sold out to/on an idea/person that you’ll spend your time and energy to accomplish. And yes, you can go through your entire life without being committed to anything or anyone. However, an argument could be made that it is your personal well being that you are committed to.
Commitment’s mates are passion and vision and other like minded attributes. But commitment will stay the course till the end or stay regardless of knowing if there is eventual accomplishment. Commitment is more than a foundation or a goal and yet all of those qualities are involved.
Why is it important? Because it gives additional meaning to living – it may not be the salt, but it does add spice. It is taking a stand and willing to accept what happens as a result of the stand. Commitment doesn’t hide and it isn’t fearful. It is an ‘is’.
BUT commitment should never be entered into lightly. It should embody your own personal philosophy and beliefs. Commitment is never willy nilly or wishy washy – it is strong and never mitigates its importance. A commitment may last a life time or… it may be for a season. But it always stays till the end.