Do you consider yourself a work in progress? I certainly am. I am far from being ‘complete’ but, and this is the important point, I am in progress. I am not standing still because that would mean I was moving backwards (think about it). And, this is exciting! Every day the Lord is working with me to help me grow.
Since none of us has made it yet we really have only 2 choices – to continue to grow and mature or stale out and move backwards. In the book of Revelation God tells us what He does with lukewarm (stale) people – He would rather spew them out. That’s drastic but it is a choice! We can always choose to be this kind of Christian. This option whether you call it standing still, being stale, lukewarm is decidedly unattractive.
The other option is the obvious choice but you always need to realize it is not the easiest choice. In the New Testament, God is always pruning His people – and this is an inevitable situation for those who choose to be a person who grows. Not every lesson is simple or painless – our choices often make for painful learning, but it always is a learning that isn’t forgotten.
A growing Christian is not one who makes no mistakes but it is a person who acts on what they think is the right choice. Other people, however, don’t always see it in this way. The detractors can be powerful with ways to cause us hurt. Unfortunately, they can also be those who don’t want to rock the boat (compromisers) or honestly don’t agree. The issue is if you are acting according to the light you have.
Being a work in progress will always lead you toward greater understanding. It will also lead you toward the Lord as your source. It really is a great adventure, it is never boring, and it never ends.