Almost by definition, ‘first step’ implies that there are more steps to be taken. Even if the only act you make is to take a second step to be parallel (balanced) to the initial step. The first step is the most important decision you’ll ever make, but once made, everything opens up to you – it’s like you were seeing in black and white, now you see in vibrant color.
The first step is to acknowledge Jesus as the ONLY way to restored relationship with the Father and to accept Him as Lord and Savior. But that’s only the beginning. My analogy is that if you were attending a sumptuous feast, you’d not only savor the appetizer, would you? However, that’s what many people do. They realize their need for a savior and accept Jesus as Lord and then stop.
(A simple explanation for those of you who don’t understand/believe in the only way: The Father didn’t destroy the relationship – we did. Therefore, it isn’t up to us to determine the basis of returning – He does. And God makes it extremely clear that the way to reconciliation, made simple, is to believe on His Son and the act of restoration Jesus did to effect that reconciliation.)
Why would anyone NOT accept? Yet, many don’t. But for those who do, there is a vast array of blessings waiting to be bestowed on those who believe on Jesus. Reread the parable of the Prodigal Son – it is the perfect example of who we were. But once we accept the salvation offered we shouldn’t just stop.
In the parable a great feast was prepared and we are invited to partake. It’s up to us to realize that, as wonderful as salvation is, the Father has prepared so much more for us.