The message that we, His ambassadors, are to deliver is incredibly simple and profound – love. That’s it really. Because when you say ‘love’ you say a host of things and it translates into a behavior that is equally simple and profound. It’s been we, His people, that have complicated everything and begun adding other ‘requirements’ – witness: all the denominations.
In the 70’s there was a movement toward ecumenism – bringing together the various denominations. That was quickly denounced because if we joined with them then we wouldn’t be keeping our traditions and requirements. A minister friend of mine said that if we actually we able to accomplish the goal of ecumenism then equally swiftly there would be schisms breaking off back into our sectarian enclaves.
All of us are familiar with John 3:16 – that is the source, the foundation, the philosophy, the context, the total of the message. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believed on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” That’s it. Period.
Love was the motivation: by God to send His Son to and for us and Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice for us. I can’t even begin to comprehend the magnitude of that love by either the Father or the Son. Our response: believe. That’s it, that’s all – believe.
All we need do is to believe that God loved so intensely that He was willing to do just about anything for us to re-establish the broken relationship. And that Jesus loved us so intensely, was willing to be that necessary sacrifice to allow the relationship to once again be available for all…. as long as we believed. But is was also critical to believe the entirety of what this believing is.
So simple. So profound.