This is the worst way to make a decision – relying on a fleece (or however you characterize this … if ‘a’ happens then I’ll know to decide in this way but if it doesn’t then the decision is the opposite).
Unfortunately we Charismatic/ Evangelical end of the Christian continuum types tend to find scriptures that support whatever we need supporting. We can tell you every promise in scripture that exists but rarely know what the conditions for that promise are or consequences of denying it are. Actually it is a cop out because we don’t have to take responsibility in this approach.
For the uninitiated, to ‘do’ a fleece is to set out a ‘test’ of some sort that will let the person know they should do, or not do, something but then it is embellished with a ‘spiritual’ overtone. Is it any wonder that the term ‘fleeced’ was defined? We all know what happens in this situation – I would contend that this also happens if we try to make decisions based on ‘setting out a fleece’. Scripture does warn us about looking for signs and omens when we make decisions.
Equally important in decision making is to actually make the decision rather than letting the decision be made for us based on what happens over time and the circumstances that occur. Life
is not to lived based on the vagaries of life. Life is to be engaged and embraced which is only present when we are actively involved.
Some people are quick and some are reasoned and others are slow to decide – the point in all this is to know your own style of decision making. Decision making is really not a case of speed as much as it is a case of method. Granted that there are times when we have to come to a decision quickly, but for the most part most of the time we can determine what we will do based on sufficient information and time. However, setting out a fleece is not the method.