For me, prayer is not just important – it is a critical component in my life. I can, but I don’t like to start the day without first taking time to pray. Prayer is like a cornerstone that is strong and can withstand the onslaught, if there is one, of the day. There are so many things that prayer is to me – but that’s for another post.
I have always believed that all prayer is answered. We may not see it or understand and sometimes we may not like the answer – but the answer is always given. Which means that one of the first building stones of prayer is that you trust the person you pray to. And this trust is founded in a belief that He (if you are a believing Christian) has your best interests in mind. Without this foundation, prayer is basically irrelevant.
Typically we like to provide our answer in the prayer. However, answered prayer cannot be conditional from you. It cannot be a … ‘the answer must be’. Nor can the answer be on your terms – it has to be answered by and come in the form of. This is when trust is tested – do you trust who is giving the answer and that the answer is the only answer.
There is one behavior you must exhibit when you pray – looking for His answer for you. I’m never surprised that my prayer is answered however I am often surprised at the answer. And I am quite often amazed at the form the answer is given.