We need to begin with a definition so we’re all operating from the same frame of reference. Righteous means being in right standing with God. A simple enough concept but also one that’s difficult to maintain. Now… how important is righteous to you? The answer should be – all important, because it is. Simply because you are saved doesn’t keep you in right standing.
Bottom line is that we all mess up, it’s inevitable. The mess up can run the gamut from basically unintentional to really, really bad. But once we are conscious that we have, what do we do. Typically we justify our actions or bluster around with a self righteousness that is incredibly ineffective. Watch a child when they know they’ve done something wrong – we’re just an older version of this.
One thing we need to have planted firmly in our heads is that when we say we have sinned, because that’s precisely what we did, it is not the first time God knew about it. Also, He wasn’t overwhelmed by our behavior – it’s not the first time He’s seen it. What we should do is to run TO the Lord not from Him. 1John1 gives us our method to re-establish relationship: confess and He is quick to forgive. This is a far more satisfactory way to end this infraction.
I like the fact that He will forgive, even when we’re in the wrong – as long as we acknowledge we were wrong, and set us on our feet again. We always can return to the status of being righteous with God.
What I’ve just explained is a very simplistic view of righteousness and how to maintain it. It really doesn’t need to be more complicated that this. But…. the state of being righteous is one not to be lightly dismissed – the price for this was incredible. 1Corinthians tells us why: Jesus, who knew no sin was made to be sin so that we could be the righteousness of God. That was our entry. Jesus’ death and resurrection was the price. Righteousness is a tremendous gift.