Have you ever had a question that was responded to with an easy answer? We all have and I’ve become very suspicious of easy answers, especially to hard questions. It’s not that the answer couldn’t be a simple one…. it just rarely is. It also doesn’t mean to throw out the easy answer because that could be the best one, but it also doesn’t mean to accept it on face value.
How do you know if it’s an ‘easy answer’? Quite simply. If the response to your query seems glib or seems uncategorical I would recommend rethinking that answer. Rarely, rarely – not never, do questions have but one response – and those that insist that there is only one response to the question should be re-examined.
This may sound silly, but consider the words the person uses in responding to your question. If their answer is peppered with “I” responses and no qualification, it obviously is that person’s approach but it may not be best for you. Anyone who responds with options for you to consider is looking at the question and not at their answer. Personally, I much prefer this because option responding is allowing me to make my own decision rather than merely following theirs.
Easy answers are simple to provide, but they may not be the best approach. If you are receiving easy answers then don’t dismiss them but likewise look at the consequence of you following that advice. If your goal is to be helpful to another asking the question then try and provide options for the other person to consider – their situation may be starkly different from yours.