Did you realize you are called to full time ministry?! You are. Right where you are. There is a saying that you may be the only Bible that someone may read. That’s both a tremendous responsibility as well as an incredible opportunity. It should not make you fearful that you might say or do the wrong thing – it should send you to the One who can empower you to be effective.
Never think that what you say or what you do is unimportant. It has enormous potential. You really need to appreciate that you have a great deal of ‘power’ through your words, through your actions…. in the world in which you live. The reason is to touch your world with the grace and mercy of the Lord.
Not all ministry is ‘professional’ – as a pastor of a church. But then… scripture doesn’t define pastoral ministry as the only ministry. Those who have that particular call on their lives should be held up in prayer – that’s our responsibility. But it is also important for you to discover your ‘call’.
Ephesians, 1 Corinthians, and Romans talk about the gifts that have been given to the church, “…for the edification of the church.”. Scripture teaches us that we all have a gift for the benefit of all. What we need to do is to discover our particular endowment and then share it. As we each take our place and share our gifting the church grows stronger and becomes equipped to carry out the mission, the vision for that church.
Ministry is never an ‘if’. It is always a given.