Maybe. Maybe not. I recently heard that opportunity doesn’t knock it quietly passes by our window. It’s not that it tip toe’s past but it also doesn’t pound on the door! Obviously it will come in when invited but it doesn’t intrude if it isn’t wanted. It’s not going to force itself on you but it also doesn’t run away.
My point in this is that we always need to be alert to opportunities that are presented. Some of them will be for the moment. Some will be for later and some will never be for you – for another perhaps. So, opportunities are to be shared, as well as acted upon. I believe that the primary response to opportunity is to act – not in haste, but decidedly.
Life is constantly providing opportunities on a variety of levels so part of our responsibility is to sift out those that ‘fit’ us and share the other ones. However…. there are those opportunities that don’t comfortably our image of ourselves so we dismiss them out-of-hand. I would contend that we rob ourselves with that attitude. Never dismiss an opportunity simply because it doesn’t ‘feel’ right at the moment. Likewise don’t accept it because it appears to ‘stretch’ us.
Talking out of both sides of my mouth? Admittedly it appears that way. I think that what I’m attempting to do is to suggest that we look with both eyes wide open at what is being presented. But fear should never be the motivator to do or to not do something. ‘Something new’ can be exciting and it can be disastrous – always look, eyes wide open, at the options of doing and not doing something. That can be your key to your answer.