The scripture reads, “Be not weary in well doing for you shall reap if you faint not…” Not certain which are the most important words in that phrase. Some will glomb onto ‘reap’ because we all like the implication from that word. And reap really is a most positive word – and a word that is hope driven.
We all like to be rewarded for our efforts and reap implies this. However, there’s also the first half of the phrase to contend with. And that is where the rubber meets the road. So often we do get weary of continuing on. Then we get into doubt – should this be what we should be doing? Did we make the wrong decision? Should we cut our losses? All of those types of thoughts emerge when we’re in the ‘be not weary’ stage.
So how long should we contend with the ‘be not weary’ stage? Obviously the answer varies depending on the issue, the importance of the eventual reaping, our own impatience, our own doubts, etc. Unfortunately, at least for me, I tend to ‘get out’ before I should, just shy of the reaping point.
While we don’t ‘want to go down with the ship’, when we find ourselves in a questioning position on what we’re doing – we should, if possible, stand back from it and attempt to, as dispassionately as possible, analyze. Given the information, goal we started with – would we have made the decision we did? Is the prize still worth the effort? If so… then keep on keeping on.
Keeping on really is a statement to your personal commitment and your level of valuing. Is the eventual reaping worth the current reality? Only you know if you will be not weary…