We in the West really don’t have the correct appreciation, understanding and definition of this word. A covenant is more than just a ‘contract’. Contracts can be broken – covenants aren’t. Viewed in that light, covenants aren’t entered into lightly. Covenants still are used by people in the East and last from generation to generation.
Looking at ‘contracts’ we see that they are extremely detailed – every dot and tittle. Nothing is left to chance. We make sure every eventuality is covered: who is responsible, for what in every contingency under the sun. My contention would be that the major reason for this is trust. No one really trusts the individual they are contracting with to fulfill the intent and purpose for the relationship – and this is from both sides.
Years ago an agreement was typically verbal and sealed with a handshake. Then again, you typically knew who you were dealing with and knew if they would keep their word. This is closer to the spirit of a covenant.
Covenants are serious and are entered into very seriously. The model for covenants is found in scripture. This is where we find that it typically is the stronger making a covenant with a weaker person and the covenant covers most of the critical components of life.
The first covenant in scripture is found in the first book of the Bible and was used by God to protect Adam and Eve. What we really need to appreciate is that this bound God to keep His word more than it was an act by Adam and Eve. And God did this to promote confidence by His creation that though they had grievously sinned, He was still with them.
Covenants are the foundation in our relationship to/with God. Do you know your responsibility in relation to this? Do you understand your privileges? Covenants always entail responsibility and privilege and provide the foundation for a fruitful life.