You do know what ‘Plan B’ is – yes? That’s when Plan A doesn’t work or no longer works and now you have to shift gears. Sooooo… do you have a ‘Plan B’? And I’m not just talking about money – yes that’s an important consideration but it’s not the only area you need to have your Backup available.
Many people, to their own potential destruction, wait until the eleventh hour to quickly devise a Plan B. Not wise. Most of the time Plan B’s require more preparation then A’s. You need to have backup plans prepared in advance for any possible negative contingency that would strike your current plan.
I’m an options planner so I typically always have a Plan B in some stage of formation available for Plan A’s ‘failure’. I tend to look at ramification from doing and from not doing a particular action. Then again, I am a tad of a detail type so it ‘comes naturally’. And yes, that means I have a C and D lurking somewhere in the background…. just in case.
But, there is one area in which I have absolutely no Plan B. In fact I have discarded any and all options to the Plan A because before adopting Plan A I considered all the options but found them lacking. The area? My religious stand. Simply – I am a Christian.
Don’t like using the word ‘religious’ since it has such a negative connotation but that’s what it is. Then it dawned on me that the word didn’t always have such a connotation. It’s come about through ‘political correctness’ and people misusing the word. I make absolutely no excuse for my stand. In fact I am very pleased to be able to state this.
Bottom line: if you are a Christian you really don’t need a Plan B. Actually there isn’t any.