Obey…. or not???

Do you argue with God. Of course you do! We all do. The question really is…. after you’ve argued what do you do? Do you follow what God is telling you to do or continue in disobedience? It really is either/or and it can’t be both/and.

Sometimes we use the…’is it me or is it God’ as the basis for not doing something. It is rarely used as a ‘to do’. Sometimes the hesitation is legitimate – not really certain but not in a disobedient way. Again the same question – do you follow God or not?

I’m a great proponent of, “…come let us reason together…” which could be viewed as a delaying tactic. It isn’t, at least that’s not my intent. It’s a ‘let’s be sure’ tactic. The ‘I’m not equipped or prepared for…’ doesn’t work. Scripture clearly states that He would never ask us to do something we aren’t able to. And it states that He always equips His people for the task at hand.

Have you asked yourself why you are hesitating? Is it pride that’s stopping you – potentially looking foolish? Are you self conscious? Is the request out of your comfort zone? Do you really believe that if you were asked to do something you’d get some kind of ‘sign’ that would confirm? Signs are not the issue. Why are you unwilling to do what is requested? For each of us, the answers vary but inevitably we have to consider and then act on what we decide.

So eventually one comes to the bottom line – obey or not. While we may have misgivings about doing a thing, the issue is never one of our inability – merely our willingness. And while it shouldn’t be, obedience should never be at issue. Obviously we tend not to look at it in this light but after you cut away all the attending issues/questions – it is. Obey? or not???

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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