We’ve all experienced both – yes? And I suspect we all would vote for Mountain Tops over the Stormy Seas. But unless you’ve experienced the stormy seas…. how can you fully appreciate the mountain tops?
Probably definitions would be in order though I suspect we all have the same basic understanding of the two opposites. Mountain Tops are those times when ‘all’s right with the world’, when everything is emotionally smooth. Mountain Tops are those times in our lives that we can recall, especially when the opposite condition occurs, that give us hope of return to those places. MT’s are times of joy, of insight, of extreme well being and so many other emotions. But they are not the places we tend to live in – they are the times of encouragement.
Stormy Seas, on the other hand, are precisely what they say – stormy times. These are the low points in our lives when nothing seems right, nothing is ‘going right’ – when we seem to be in a dessert time spiritually. However, these are the times that define us – that show us and others exactly ‘what we’re made of’. I wouldn’t trade these times ever because, for me, they marked times of growth. SS’s seem to be times of testing, of discovering what we really do believe in and what price we’re willing to pay.
While MT’s are times of refreshing and we all need them, SS’s are times of character building and we all need these too. Whichever state you are in, learn from it -that’s the important point. No one can live in the rarefied air of MT’s and no one can live in the tumult of SS’s – we weren’t created to do this. But we have been given the opportunity to experience both. I would suggest that no one lingers long in either but recognize that both will come into our living as we journey through life.