
Have you ever thought about how truly remarkable the Bible is? Perhaps ‘remarkable’ doesn’t even come close to capturing the sheer enormity of it. If all you were to do is to look at the logistics of the book, even then it is considerably more than just remarkable. This is a book that was written over centuries of time by tens of authors but only one source of inspiration – God. And it is the Word of God or it is the biggest fraud in history!

If the length of time isn’t a feat in and of itself then consider the multitudes of people who have been influenced by it and have not sought to grandize themselves in the process. Consider the prophetic elements in the book, penned hundreds of years before they are actualized. And, all of the prophecies, save one, have come to fruition as predicted. If those facts don’t cause you to pause and consider the Bible, do you know of any other book that has accomplished the same?

Actually, it’s what you do about and with the Bible that is the significant consideration. There are those who would accept certain parts of the Bible and not others. And there are those who would like to add to it. Why? In the first place who is able to determine what should/can be accepted and what isn’t? Simply because I don’t understand certain parts, the motivation behind certain acts doesn’t make them ‘wrong’/unacceptable. And there is the scripture that talks about adding or changing any word….

For me, in the final analysis I have to either accept or reject the Bible as the word of God. Every word – not just the parts I like or accept. If I reject it, what have I to stand on as my personal philosophical foundation? My life would truly be built on shifting sand. If I accept it then I become engaged in a life long journey of discovery to understand, because the Bible is NOT a book to be read only once. The Bible is the foundation, the handbook, for living my life.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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