Justice and Mercy

Perhaps somewhat childlike, though I would refute childish, I have always had a strong sense of justice. You can sense it in my black and while approach to life and issues. Justice was something that I was brought up to believe in and hold dear…. at all costs. It may not have always been the popular stand or even an easy one, but it was the standard. Justice, not so much unrelenting, but the quality that should always prevail. I must admit I haven’t changed much from this stand.

Mercy? Mercy was a quality that, in my mind, was something quite apart from justice. Justice first and then show mercy. I suspect I would still love to see justice prevail but unfortunately I have lost the faith that there are many who would agree. Simultaneously I have a great suspicion that mercy has been the replacement, one doesn’t always see mercy being the prevailing standard either.

If it is mercy then it transcends so many other qualities and vices. If you show mercy then you can’t show martyrdom or anger or superiority and especially not revenge…. and the list of what is not acceptable is enormous. Mercy is like an open outstretched hand with no hidden agenda or personal prejudice. Mercy is far stronger.

At the same time I have come to see my need for mercy. In a very real way, mercy supersedes justice. And if there is a personal need to be treated merciful then there is an equal need and requirement to show mercy to others. In a strange way I have come to appreciate mercy. I know unequivocally that if the Lord hadn’t shown mercy toward me then I would be lost. If He is willing to do this for me then I need to do this for others.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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