Giving your best

Are you the 100% type or do you hold ‘something’ back, hold it in reserve? When you wake in the morning and are conscious, do you make it an intention of your heart to do your very best in the day? Or do you not think about it and just ‘wait and see’?

I would suspect that most people either don’t think about it or they wait till they are called upon and then determine, by the seat of their pants, how much they are willing to invest in whatever it is. However, there are those rare individuals who do predetermine that they will give their utmost into whatever they are called upon to do. These are the ‘giving your best’ types – rare, very rare.

Perhaps you are a selective giving your best type. The, ‘it depends on the situation’ determiners. So, my question to you is – how do you determine just how much you are willing to invest? Is this a moment-by-moment determination? And which emotion guides these decisions? Anger? Fear? Ends/means decision? And those are only a few of the possible filters you can use.

And then there are always those who never give their best for fear that they may be needed at another time/place which would conflict with giving all now. Or, the just don’t care types. The point in all this is – who are you? A giver? Or a conditional giver?

I would like to think that I’m in the giving my best standing but I seriously doubt it. However, I’m also the type that doesn’t commit to everything or everyone, I’m quite selective. But to/with those concepts, ideals, people I am committed to I do tend to be an ‘all or nothing at all’ type. And commitment is really at the bottom of giving. I do believe that without commitment it is impossible to give your best. Commitment is really the filter. What have you committed to?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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