
“What you compromise to keep…. you’ll lose.” I first heard this from Oral Roberts. I don’t know if this is original with him or if he was quoting someone else. However, if you think about it – there is always a loss in compromise. And this is true for all involved/concerned. And yes I realize that compromise is sometimes considered the only path to resolution…. as long as you don’t ‘compromise’ your values.

I believe the issue is one of – what are you willing to forgo in order to attain something? A ‘something is better than nothing’ attitude isn’t always correct. Plus, often one believes that compromise is the only answer and it may not be a correct perception. So… is the prize important? If it is then you probably are less likely to compromise. The prize is the determinant for compromise.

Some people automatically assume that compromise is the only answer to a two sided situation. Not necessarily. Compromise should always be the last resort – not the first. Cogent facts should always sway minds…. yes, I know, not always. However, taking the ‘come let us reason together’ approach to a disagreement is a far better way of arriving at the best answer. I do realize that it does take more time but I’m an advocate that the best resolution is worth the effort.

Compromise isn’t all ‘bad’ but it is not necessarily the best answer. And it can definitely be a detriment to the unorthodox approach to resolution. Compromise should be weighed in light of the particular issue and, if found wanting, be discarded. Or, accepted if it provides the only means to resolution and advancement.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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