
Success can be punctuated with a period or an exclamation mark – both valid, but one has more celebration associated with it. But, what is success? Webster says it is: “a favorable result, the gaining of wealth, fame, etc.” When you think about the word, what people pop to mind that you consider successful? Are they associated with wealth and fame? What about you – are you successful according to that standard… or, do you judge success by a different one?

Probably from the way I stated my question you already suspect that I would suggest a wider definition of success that merely the gaining of wealth, fame. Success is directly related to your personal values, what you consider important regardless of others’ thinking. It is your unique determination of values that will inform you of your level of success.

Success is not a fixed point unless the value is quantitative and most values are not easily quantified. And this becomes the dilemma, what constitutes ‘success’ on a unquantifiable value? Again, the issue is resolved only by you. What satisfied your conditions? And once satisfied, are you finished or is this an ongoing issue?

Success is not easily defined but everyone needs to have some basic definition to know, for themselves, where they are on the continuum. Some of the determination comes from others. We all need to feel that we are successful but to base this totally on others is folly. It must be internalized – truly it must come from you for any satisfaction to occur.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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