
At some point, or multiple times, in all of our lives we find ourselves totally flummoxed! Through frustration or confusion or inadequate information or any number of other aspects, we simply don’t know what to do next. What do you do?

Do you ask a trusted colleague, one who would understand your predicament, what they would do? Do you simply continue on the path you’re on and muddle through? Do you change your plans? Do you ‘hope’ for the best? Do you quickly look around for a scapegoat? I’m sure all of us have used all of the above. And, as a result, we’ve undoubtedly had to pick up the pieces later.

It’s interesting that in these situations, especially for the Christian, we don’t do the obvious – stop and pray. I know that sounds simplistic but sometimes it’s the simplest answer that is the best and most effective. Prayer is sometimes a time to catch your breath, calm your soul, and ask the One who has all the answers what you should do.

I’d like to say that, of course, that’s what I do. Ya right! I’m like you and sometimes act before thinking. However… if we would only stop and let the Lord direct us then disaster could be averted or a positive resolution may present itself. Scripture teaches that trials and temptations will come but that He always prepares a way through. We simply have to align ourselves with His answer.

Prayer is the tool we’ve been given to stop the potential problem(s) and we’ve also been given each other to pray together over the situation. Nowhere does it say we have to do everything on our own. And if the problems can’t be avoided then we can meet them with the answer.

Your reaction – calm or frantic – can give you your answer as to where you are and what you need to do next. Discombobulated will come but it doesn’t need to control you. Stop. Pray. And go forth confidently.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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