Burn out

‘Toast’ is usually the stage beyond ‘burned out’. This is an extremely incapacitating and debilitating position. Perhaps you’ve not experience ‘toast’ but I suspect ‘burn out’ is familiar. We’ve all suffered being burned out, many of us have experienced this a number of times and have promised ourselves that this last time was the last time. If you happen to belong to that number then I must ask – what are you doing now that’s different from before? Remember the definition of insanity: doing the same thing again but expecting a different result – not going to happen.

Many times burn out occurs before we are aware we are on its path. However, there are signs that typically point to this that we can observe and correct. Burn out typically manifests itself in fatigue and irritability. There never are enough hours to accomplish the goal and we feel responsible for our inability to succeed, whether or not it really is our fault. Fatigue typically always births irritability which is the product of frustration.

Sometimes people get into an excuse mode and attempt to respond to any and all perceived criticism with some excuse. Other people just give up, throw in the towel. The goal was unattainable in the first place so why continue. Do any of these feelings or behaviors sound familiar?

The point is that burn out can be averted. When we catch ourselves is self destructive feelings and behaviors we can stop and: seek prayer, ask for help, recognize we have limitations and do what we are able to do. Each person has their own answer to correcting this situation. Mostly we need to take a break, some time away from our situation. And yes, that isn’t always easy but it really can be done. We are not indispensable.

If you don’t want to experience burn out then you have to take action to stop its impact. You can’t continue doing what you’ve always done or you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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