Your mountain may look like a molehill to some and the Alps to you. It may look like a bump in the road or a range of mountains. Size and number are not as relevant as existence. If you have a mountain – it’s a mountain…. and it’s in the way! The question is: what do you do about it?
There is never just one answer to this question because, though it is a mountain, they do come in types. The first question is: what kind of mountain is it? What is this mountain stopping you from? If the mountain wasn’t there – what would be different?
The next question is: do you go around the mountain or over it?… or is it possible to go through it? Typically trying to convince yourself that it really doesn’t exist is rarely effective – it only puts off the inevitability of dealing with it. And it is strange about how mountains tend to grow – sometimes escalating quickly.
Interestingly enough – it is in facing your mountain that you discover how big and how extensive it is. Sometimes what you think is a mountain really is only a molehill. But sometimes it is a mountain. However it rarely just… goes away. Fortunately, mountains can be overcome but never through avoiding or in denial.
Unfortunately, no one can really tell you how to deal with your mountain because every person’s resources, talents, abilities differ. But, you are an overcomer so in some fashion you will be able to eliminate the impact and effect of your mountain. The predominant issue is you. What’s your plan? What are you willing to do to overcome your mountain?