Change Agent

Do you consider yourself a change agent? You are. It would be my contention that whether or not you consider yourself one, you are – the question becomes: what kind of change agent are you? And in true ‘the proof is in the eating’, it is what others see in you that determines the impact, the effect.

So what is a change agent? Unfortunately the definition depends on the context so it is difficult to be precise plus there’s a hint that the acts of a change agent are more art than science. However, I would suggest that there are some similar qualities that define any change agent. In its most simplistic definition, a change agent is one who sees what can be in the midst of what is. Acting on this determines the extent to which a person believes in his/her stand.

Again simplistically… any and every time you express your opinion on a subject you act as a change agent. The level of your influence determines the extent to which you are listened to. Perhaps that’s why scripture says we will be held accountable for every idle word we say (Matthew 12:36-37). We don’t always know the impact of our words.

Actually, to be an agent for change (defined as change directed toward improvement) is a laudable thing. The major issue in my mind is accountability. All change agents have to be accountable to someone. So… assuming you realize you are a change agent then to whom are you accountable?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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