Attitude Adjustment

We all have times in our lives when we need an attitude adjustment. The subject of the adjustment, hopefully, varies – the need rarely does. I suspect it would be so much simpler and less painful if we could only identify, early on, when an adjustment is necessary rather than discovering in the midst of the need.

This has nothing to do with whether or not you’re right or wrong but has everything to do with how you approach this, the attitude you convey, how you react with others, how you present yourself, etc. Who are you when you need an attitude adjustment? Do you convey anger? Irritation? Superiority? Impatience? Martyrdom? And there are a host of other behaviors, unfortunately typically negative ones.

The point is – we all find ourselves in need of an attitude adjustment occasionally. While how we got to that point is extremely important to know and why we are there is equally important, the issue is now that we know what we need – what do we do? Where is our focus? On ‘saving face’ or ‘correcting’ or apologizing or moving on…

I don’t have your answer, you need to determine that for yourself, but what I attempt to do is to take some time to determine how I got where I am – what triggered the situation? Second is to determine what attitudes need reassessing. Next, if there are apologies to be made I want that done so it doesn’t get in the way of moving on. Last is to begin acting on a new mindset.

None of that is rocket science but it does provide me with a context for the attitude adjustment. More important is that I do begin to move on – which is extremely important to me. Standing still or marking time rarely gets anything accomplished.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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