Soon and Very Soon

There’s an old gospel song called “Soon and very soon we are going to meet the King…”. And that is the hope Christian’s have – a sure hope. The question is not IF we’re going to meet the King (Jesus) but when. How close are we to the ‘soon and very soon’?

If your guide is scripture, and as a Christian it must be or where is our history, our roots, our standards, our foundation, then one of the first things you have to look at are the prophecies. The question: are there any prophecies in scripture that haven’t been fulfilled? Most Pentecostals will be prompt in replying – no. The prophecies that are indicated in the Old Testament some 2000 years of history before Jesus, have been fulfilled according to every dot and tittle. Thus we are in the ‘end times’. Actually we are in a holding pattern until all is prepared and ready.

End times study has always sparked a lot of controversy. Interestingly enough – the controversy is about the details, not about the issue. The question Christians should ask themselves is what are they doing until the soon is now? We have a responsibility to both the Person who has sent us and the people we can touch – we need to be able to share, uncompromisingly, the answer (Hebrews 7:25).

It really doesn’t matter whether you believe in pre-Trib, mid-Trib, post-Trib or how and when the Rapture will take place. You can make your calculations as to the date but as scripture points out, the only one that knows is the Father. But the one thing all Christians do believe in is that Jesus will return. However, we can all look at the signs of the times we live in and see that things are getting worse and worse. Thus… soon and very soon.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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