After Dreaming…

If daring to dream is the first step, then following the dream is the second. Without action on your part, your dream can’t progress. If you don’t take action your dream cannot. If not now… when? You’ll be miserable if you never try. It will haunt you until you finally do take that step toward seeing if the dream is really yours. My Dad said that it didn’t take any more to dream big as it did to dream small, so dream big. That’s good advice. If a dream doesn’t demand of you all of who you are, then it really isn’t worth it.

Having a dream is one thing but discovering if it is yours is next. The interesting aspect about dreams is that once you start on the path to ‘do something’ about your dream it will become quite clear whether or not it really is for you. What you need to realize is that you have to contract with dreams and if you find yourself following and not leading your dream – it isn’t for you.

What you discover is that passion is a big key in the dream discovery process. If you have a passion for something and the abilities to accomplish it then the dream can become your reality. Example: I can have a dream, a passion to be a great golfer but if I have no talent and/or won’t follow the discipline to become, at least a good golfer, then nothing will happen. The ‘and’ is important. You need both passion and ability.

We sometimes think we have a dream only to discover, as we start the journey, it really isn’t for us. That’s OK – at least you did something and made the discovery. If it isn’t yours then the dream that is for you will finally come out of the shadows. As one dream becomes accomplished, during the process a new dream will emerge – at least that’s been my experience. Dreaming is the start, but action is the ‘after’. I think ‘next’ is the third step.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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