
It dawned on me that though I often talk about definitions and knowing the other person’s mindset/frame of reference when engaged in communication, I rarely provide my definitions – Webster’s, yes but not often mine. We all specially define words and then somehow expect others to automatically understand without our providing the definition. We can all agree, disagree when we are on the same page, but never assume everyone is on the same page. Also, it’s not necessary to agree with my definitions, but it will explain why I’m saying what I’m saying.

I suspect part of my lapse is due to the fact that words are constantly being refined as they are applied and interact with other’s definitions. There are some basic, to me, words that though I use them I don’t often define them and this would be especially helpful in understanding not only what I say but how I’m using the word. There are other words that also need defining and I’ll attempt to be more sensitive to this.

Gratitude: is more than thankfulness. Gratitude is one’s realization that you have been blessed, not because of anything you’ve said or done but because the Father has gifted you. Your response to the gift is gratitude because you realize that you really needed what was given though you neither deserved it nor even realized your own need.
Hope: it is not the last resort. Hope has far more substance that that. Hope is a belief that though you might not have all the information and all the answers, that you will know what you need to know when you need to know it. Understand and appreciate comes later.
Faith: is critical. But it is alive and grows with you as you learn and understand and exercise it. As scripture says, it must be activated and mixed with Love. Though it may be a given, I think that Truth is the other component in this three legged foundation.
Love: I’m not sure it is definable because it is a feeling as well. The ancient Greeks had problems too which is why they coined a new word – agape. That’s love above and beyond, uncompromising and unconditional and yet see able. It is the passion and drive that underscores our words and behaviors. Love is an action not just a word.
Lord:  There’s only one person, Jesus, that fulfills this role. He was, He is, and He continues to be. He’s our hope, he’s the foundation of our faith, and He loves us regardless of how we view Him. Our response to Him should be gratitude and love.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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