
You can’t ignore your emotions.Why would you want to? Oh, you may try but it won’t work – emotions will express themselves. Control them? Difficult. Understand them? Maybe. But you must realize that they are and they will attempt to control you. This is where problems arise. Bottom line is that it’s natural to have emotions, it’s what you do with them, or allow them to do through you, that’s the issue.

First: remember that emotions add spice to life. You really wouldn’t want to live without them. They add the punctuation mark to what you are saying. They express what you are feeling. And in some fashion, they will be expressed. What I’ve discovered for myself is that if I try to deny them or push them down, they explode at some place/time and if the emotion is anger, typically at someone who is not the source of the anger.

Emotions can be a positive influence. They can ‘lead’ you to express your true feelings about someone or something. They do force you to be honest with how you actually think, even when you don’t allow the expression. And in considering your own expression, they can direct you to why you may feel or think in a particular way.

So what do you/should you do with your emotions? You need to discover your best way of expressing them, because I think the lack of expression always causes problems. Plus… you do feel the way you feel and denying it accomplishes nothing. But most important… you need not be controlled by them. It really is your choice. However, if you do ‘strike out’ then simply apologize don’t try to ‘justify’ – learn from this situation.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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