
Do you sometimes feel like you’ve wasted your time? or your resources? or your opportunities? or … That ‘they’ are gone and can’t be retrieved. While some of the waste can be laid at your own feet – not all, sometimes the waste was not your doing but you reaped the results.  How does it make you feel? Lost? Frustrated? Numb? Helpless? And now what do you do…

We’ve all felt this way at some time or other, and probably more than once. And what if you have wasted your (fill in the blank), what now? It isn’t always easy to simply pick up the pieces and … start again? move on? What are your options? Do you look for someone, anyone to blame? Do you wallow – well, yes, I think we all spend some of the time in a pity party.

For me, once I’ve emerged from either feeling sorry for myself or irritated at what happened – at the apparent loss; my next thought is to analyze where I am, if something’s been lost, what I can do to either retrieve the loss or substitute, etc. That’s because my personal philosophy is analyze and move on – create a new opportunity and do whatever damage control is necessary. But what is your personal philosophy – what would you do?  Not what would you like to think you would do – what do you do?

A ‘waste’ may be an impetus to something new, a waste doesn’t need to be viewed negatively. You can use what you learned from the situation. Waste doesn’t have to stay as waste… waste can be a new beginning, a springboard to success. It really depends on what you want to do with… waste.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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