
Point of fact: you do not have all the answers. In fact, you don’t even have all of your answers. Actually, you don’t even have all of your questions! Do you know what you know? Do you know how you know what you know? Has your knowing changed? The answer to this last question should be ‘yes’ because if it isn’t then you aren’t growing.

Being a question person, my focus tends to be on asking questions (according to my friends, never ending questions). I’ve always believed that unless and until you know how to ask questions your growth will be slowed and perhaps your answers as well. However, in the question/answer process one can’t dismiss the importance of answers. What’s the purpose of questions if not to find the answer? Thus finding answers is the end result. But… don’t miss the understanding of the process of getting from the question to the answer.

How you move from question to answer is your decision making process. I believe that your process is the single most important aspect of the question-answer resolution.  I am a huge advocate of knowing how you get to your answer. If you understand and learn/develop the process then it is repeatable and you won’t have to ‘reinvent the wheel’ thus saving time. Process, in my world of definitions, is the method you use to discover your way from question to answer. I believe that process is critical because applying it will allow you to consider all your options and ramifications.

Answers provide you with your ‘aha!’ in the process. They are also immensely satisfying. However, do recognize that Answers may be accompanied by new questions because often the answer is only a stepping stone. If you enjoy puzzles then process becomes a challenge rather than a burden. Your answers are critical, even if only to you, so how you know what you know, how you ask your questions, how you move from question to answer is of paramount importance.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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