Seek first…2

IF you agree that we should be seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, the next 2 questions that pop to mind are: How? and Does this relate/apply to how you live your life each day? The first question is the easier of the two to answer.

I would suggest that there are a number of ways one can seek. How you choose to seek is both an individual as well as a group ‘approach’. Sometimes you need the input from others to stretch and/or refine your thinking. But there are basic ‘tools’ in seeking regardless of individual or group based. One tool is scripture – you need scripture to understand the what, where, who, and why. Without using scripture as your source you only have opinion, feelings, and your own level of understanding and experience to draw on. Another tool is prayer – asking for guidance and understanding. Studying is the approach you need in order to grow. (2Timothy 3:16)

Does this relate/apply to living your life? Absolutely because it helps you to live life to the fullest. I don’t think any of us would settle for a mundane life when we could have more. Why would you go to a banquet and only partake in the first course of a 10 course meal? Silly? It is if you don’t grow in who you are and you can’t grow without study and prayer. The basic, fundamental reason for study is to live a life that is fruitful and fulfilling and you are limited if you don’t understand and appreciate who God is and especially your relationship to Him. Prayer is your direct communication to Him and is as important as study.

Seeking is a full time endeavor that does not get in the way of living but rather enhances it. If you have the opportunity to share with someone else then as iron sharpens iron, this provides a refinement process. The Lord doesn’t change in this (Hebrews 13:8) but your relationship does as you begin to understand Him better. Seeking is a journey but it is well worth your time.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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