
Integrity is another of those big words. I found it interesting that Webster defined the word without really defining it: soundness, completeness, honesty, sincerity, incorruptibility. These are all good words it’s just that it leaves so much to individual interpretation. What does the word ‘integrity’ mean to you? How do you define it? Do you know what it looks like operationally? Are you a person of integrity… according to your definition?

To me, integrity is not automatic nor instantaneous – it is developed over time in relationship, in experience. Thus, one of the words that I would suggest to define integrity is reliability. Can I rely on what is said by the other person? Is my experience with them one that confirms this trait? Changing one’s mind is acceptable in my definition of reliable as long as the change is communicated.

Unequivocal speaking/hearing is another trait. I intensely dislike mixed messages. It’s not a 5 cent word versus a 50 cent word that’s at issue, it’s whether or not the message is clear and uncorrupted. It’s probable that you may need to define words – don’t assume that what is spoken is what is heard (or what is heard is what was said).  We don’t necessarily have to agree but we do need to know if we’ve communicated.

Though it may seem obvious, I believe that integrity is related to relationships and communication. I find it nearly impossible to believe that someone could act with integrity towards one person and not toward someone else. Integrity is an overall character trait. As a result, integrity means speaking the truth in love – not compromising truth. Integrity includes being honorable. Standing up for what you understand is good and worth defending. Fear of other’s negative reaction is not a basis for not acting with integrity.

I believe that integrity is ‘composed’ of character traits and, though there are other qualities, these are some that define integrity for me. What defines integrity for you? And, more important, can you see these traits in action?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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