
We are fond of quoting the scripture, “And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) But what do we really know… that we get our way? Or maybe we mean that we will not reap any negative problems or repercussions because of the situation we find ourselves in? That all will turn out good…. Do we really believe this? Or is this a ‘hope’ not a ‘know’?

Did you see the ‘conditions’ associated with this knowing of the triumph of good? 1- Love God, 2- Called, and 3- His purpose. 1- We all say we love God. That’s the start, but saying is not necessarily demonstrating. Would others, looking at you, know that you love God? Do your actions, as well as your words
demonstrate this? 2- If you’ve accepted Jesus then you are called, it becomes part of who you are. There are many scriptures that assure us of our status as called but my favorite is Romans 8:29-30 because it expands on the word.  Foreknew, predestined, conformed, justified, glorified… this is how we are called. However, it is up to us to walk as the called. and 3- His purpose. This is where we must be grounded in that we are in His perfect will for us. When we are then all truly is good.

Good comes with a promise. We see in Galatians 6:9 that if we don’t  grow weary while doing good we shall reap if we do not lose heart. You can see then that when we accept Jesus as Lord we have been created to be as well as ‘do’ good. We can overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Good is now a power to exercise. Good is also a verb, an action.

What’s your definition of ‘good’? James tells us (1:17) that every (not some, e-v-e-r-y) good gift comes from the Father. So, when was the last time you thanked God for His latest gift to you? Or do you think you deserve (whatever it is)? We can too often become mindless and not realize what we have been and are given. But have you ever considered that every good gift is a present to you?! We deserve good… right? No. But we can live and walk in the good because Jesus has purchased it for us – the abundant life.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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