
Do you focus on the ‘what was’, your ‘new’ or do you ‘reinvent’? ‘Re’ means do again. Do you want to re-do?  …or do something new, something different, something that’s always lurked at the back of your mind (and heart)? Do you harbor this little seed that you don’t let grow because if it did, you know, with that knowing deep inside you, that who you would become is definitely different than who you are now? Are you out of balance with part of you wanting one thing and another part of you attempting to fulfill responsibilities… or are they only expectations?

Do you feel that you are not being ‘true’ to who you are? So what’s stopping you from being you? Other than you, of course. And why? Is it a lack of trust of and in yourself? Do you always do what’s expected of you… or at least as much as possible?  Is it because you want others to like you and you’re not certain they’ll like this unknown new you? Or maybe you are being totally you and these questions aren’t relevant. Regardless, how does ‘reinvent’ apply to you?

You can reinvent yourself into a truer who you are instead of having to act a part that’s only partially you. Or perhaps it’s all in the presentation so you really aren’t reinventing yourself but you are reinventing how you present yourself. I somehow think we all go through times of reinventing ourselves – perhaps to
align with what is or is not happening in our lives. Reinventing is a form of coping because we all attempt to make sense of life.

The obvious question is – do other’s see you as you see you or do you see you as other’s see you? Two totally different mindsets. The second question is… do you care? I would argue that it is important. The first mindset lets you know if you are in sync with yourself and the second tells you if you need to be approved by others. Trying to balance differing views can be overwhelming. Your view of you and your world gives you a host of information about whether you need and/or want to reinvent life… as you see it.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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