
Do you ever feel stagnant? Are you, or is this only a momentary ennui? Do you only have a case of the blahs or is it more serious? Do you feel bereft of creativity? Perhaps you don’t feel you have any exciting challenges or maybe you don’t know where/how to start on your current project. Regardless… nothing appeals, nothing is totally ‘wrong’ but nothing is right either. One thing you do know… you’re not moving!

But are you sure you are in a stagnant place? What’s your evidence? And, if you are, what are you doing to change this… or are you only moaning? We all tend toward at least a bit of moaning but the point is to move beyond this. But how do you motivate yourself into action? I know this may sound simplistic but sometimes it’s merely the act to do something, anything that will be the impetus. The reason is that action tends to be a force all by itself. And if the action isn’t the ‘right’ one, you can change but if you are doing nothing this also is a force but not a positive one.

There’s a scripture in Revelations that talks about being neither hot or cold – that’s a terrible place to be in. Being neither can also be seen in the stagnant.  And God doesn’t approve of this – He’d much prefer one or the other. Does this describe you? Are you really neither ‘good’ or ‘bad’ you really are only… tasteless? To me that would be a fearsome place. When you consider God’s preference (to spew you out) for those who are neither, then it is dreadful. For me, this is sufficient to begin to change.

I know we all have moments of stagnation, but that’s the key – moments, not a lifestyle nor a mindset. Stagnation/neither hot or cold/mediocre all point to a lack of involvement and commitment – to anything! And lack of commitment can be caused by all sorts of emotions – and that may be the fundamental problem, your unwillingness to stand and be counted, which requires courage and belief.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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