Focus Readjustment

Focus readjustment is in the same family as ‘attitude adjustment’ but they really are not the same. With focus readjustment we need to reconsider what we’re looking at – now. Sometimes we are so focused on the prize, goal that the means to attain it takes on little to no importance. In reality how (means) we attain the prize is critically important. Our ‘how’ either strengthens the satisfaction of attainment or taints it. And the ‘at any cost’ mindset is very destructive.

Another determination is the intensity with which we focus our attention and actions. Are we so intent on the prize that we don’t see who and what is around us? If we do then we veer into the ‘things are more important than people’ territory. Even worse, in my estimation, is that our principles can become compromised. Is the reason we entered this journey still relevant? Is the goal still worthy? This is another reason why benchmarks along the way from start to finish are important.

The journey from point A (focus determination) to point B (goal attainment) is rarely a straight line. That is why I try to remember to put in assessment times to make certain that the focus is still the same, the goal is the same and the plan hasn’t change due to a host of unplanned for impacts. Life is so dynamic that if we use static methods of assessing we run the risk of missing important components. And… it is people that should be the top of our list – are they still involved? Do they feel they have ownership and not just doer ship? Are there sufficient opportunities for them to make suggestions?

Ownership is not dictatorship. Regardless of who began this process, if you are team leader or team member, everyone needs to feel that they and their thoughts are valued. If this is a solo journey then it becomes even more important that you have someone that you can discuss what’s happening on your quest and you can trust their advice. Is the focus the same as when you began? Is the method of attainment still valid? or…. Do you need to readjust?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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