
You are aware, aren’t you, that miracles happen every day?  Miracles are all around you… if you open the eyes of your heart to see them. What are miracles? There are a myriad of definitions of the word but the simpler the definition the easier to recognize them. Webster seems slightly conflicted about the definition: 1- an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment and/or 2- an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. Unusual, or divine.? If divine then there is a great deal more to the definition.

There’s a scripture that keeps repeating itself in my mind. It’s used a number of times, so much so that it tends to make you stop and look at what’s being said. The phrase, paraphrased, talks about eyes that see and ears that hear. It isn’t an idle phrase and its use should cause us to pause and consider. It’s a warning and it’s a directive. We need to be able to see and to hear but many times this will mean using spiritual definitions – remember the scripture that talks about calling those things that aren’t as if they were. That’s the kind of definition I’m talking about. Miracles fall into the same category.

I should probably acknowledge that the following definition of the word is solely mine – Webster may or may not concur. First, a miracle is something that is unexpected. Sometimes it’s a matter of seeing what you’re looking at. Examples: the laughter of children, that ‘special’ look of a couple in love, the feeling you get when you see the expression of delight when someone opens a gift that you took pains to give – all of these ‘ordinary’ activities are a form of a miracle. We need to define the word that is more encompassing – it truly is more than simply the extraordinary or the superlative.

And second – to repeat me…miracles are all around you… if you open the eyes of your heart to see them. But they don’t fall into the category that there’s something you can do to bring them into existence. If we want to follow Webster then the second definition is closer to my belief about miracles. It’s God entering into the situation and bring joy to those experiencing it. It’s His gift to us.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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