
You feed your natural person 2-3 times a day unless you are a ‘grazer’, in which case you may mini-feed  throughout the day. But what about your spirit man (woman)? Does your spirit need less ‘food’? How often, and with what are you feeding your spirit? Specifically, are you feeding your spirit only milk or is there meat?  A different question is: do you expect your spirit to exist on only one meal (probably church) a week? Maybe the question should be: when was the last time you fed your spirit?

Unbelievably, it seems that most people don’t think about feeding their spirit or when they do, it is only a momentary passing thought. There are those who feel that going to church once a week fulfills the ‘spiritual requirements’. While fellowshipping at church is important, it is not the only way or only time your spirit needs nourishment. Feeding your spirit is incredibly important.

Why? Because you need to grow. It isn’t expected that you stay a baby forever. In Hebrews 5:13-14 we are told that we should not still need milk. We are to be skilled in the word of righteousness and this can’t happen unless we feed our spirit, so that we: “…have our senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” (verse 14). We are suppose to be aiding those who are new Christians to grow and we can’t if we haven’t grown.

In 2 Timothy (2:15) we are to study to show ourselves approved to God. Study is part of how we feed our spirit. Through study of the word (2 Timothy 3:16), prayer, fellowshipping with other believers – these are some of the ways we feed our spirit. How often? Daily. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord you didn’t instantaneously become a mature Christian. It takes time. It takes diligence. You start as a babe in the Lord and as you commit yourself to Him you begin to learn more of Him and more of who you are because of Him. It’s a lifelong journey…

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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