
To paraphrase an old saying… “do you boldly go where no one …”? Does ‘bold’ describe you…as a Christian? Or do you hide in your closet of political correctness (whatever those words mean)? Do you proudly proclaim? No, I’m not talking about a ‘being in your face’ approach though it certain doesn’t seem to affect non-Christians’ behavior. If you know, if you are and believe as a Christian… do you profess it? Or.. only when it’s convenient and only to fellow Christians.

My problem is that I don’t believe in the smaller case ‘c’. I don’t believe you can believe in Jesus, calling Him Lord, and be a christian… I think you have no choice but to be a Christian. And yet… I believe there are countless numbers of closet christians. My definition of a closet christian is a person who has had the life changing experience of accepting Jesus as Lord. They’ve done this publicly and then… they’ve gone into hiding. Overly critical?

Let me use a quick comparison… do you like/follow professional sports? Do you have a team that you ‘support’ regardless of their record? Is this something that though you may not paint your body the colors of the team, everyone knows you are a follower? Or maybe there is a form of music or musicians that you really enjoy and let others know? These are types of ‘public’ professions of what you believe. But… are you less exuberant, less bold about the person of Jesus and who He is for you?

If you are bold, then you are just as excited about sharing who Jesus is and how He participates in your daily life as any fan could be about stating the stats on their favorite team. Boldness, witnessing is simply sharing your experience and what has happened in your life. And this should excite you as much as any sport, any musical group, or any other passion that lights up your life. Jesus didn’t do all that He has so you could hide in your closet. He did it so you would share Him with others and become a Christian.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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