
So do you live a spectacular life or an ordinary one? Perhaps the question is – what are your definitions of those 2 words – spectacular and ordinary? And which are you seeking to experience? What are you willing to pay to attain whichever you want? These are not idle questions, they go to the heart of the life you are leading and the life you want to lead, and what discrepancies there are between them. 

First: is there anything ‘wrong’ with ordinary? And you should realize that what might seem ordinary to you might seem extraordinary to someone else. Superlatives are really only the frosting on the word but what do they add? What makes them more appealing? Is it the freedom that they seem to imply? Or is it the aura of excitement and ‘more’? Why all the questions? Because if you don’t know why you want something then your level of commitment to attain it is questionable.

Do you realize that you can lead a relatively ordinary life, extraordinarily? It depends first on your definitions and then on your behavior. What fills your days and how you react to them will help define what your life is. But even the most ordinary of lives can be lived fully and completely but it depends on your attitude. In a very real way it is completely related to what makes you happy, what fills you.

Then again, maybe what is needed is to see and understand the superlatives that already exist in our lives.?. There’s an old song that talks about counting your blessings – maybe what we all need to do is to stop long enough to do this. Perhaps in the recitation of our blessings we’ll discover our superlatives. Or maybe we’ll see that they aren’t as important as we initially thought. Superlatives have their place… primarily as frosting.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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