
There are killers that will attempt to take your life. Actually they aren’t subtle at all, they blatantly attempt to direct how you look at life. They go under the names of: bitterness, blame, self hatred and a few others. Each are like a slow growing disease taking the joy and peace from your life… if you let them, they control your life. Simply – they are killers. And…if you don’t deal with them they become strongholds in your life.

Disappointment seems to be one of the avenues taken to reach one or more of the killers. Seemingly such a ‘small’ emotion but it’s one that packs a huge impact because there are others that it also brings, such as dissatisfaction and frustration. Disappointment is one of those facts of life that if we don’t face daily we certainly do face often. As a result it shouldn’t have that much power – but it does. How you react to disappointment will affect so many other aspects of life. If it makes you doubtful or hesitant then its first inroad is made. One rarely makes it to bitterness in one leap.

Obstacles – real and imaginary is another avenue. We sometimes see an obstacle as preventing us from doing whatever it is we are planning to do. It may. But it also may be a checkpoint to help us accomplish your goal. But it is those imaginary obstacles that are difficult to combat because they never bring logic to the situation – only a roadblock. Sometimes it is only someone outside the situation that can help you determine whether or not you are facing an obstacle. And, if so, then offer a non-vested interest suggestion.

These are only 2 examples of the avenues to killers.  How we respond to the causes which allows the killers to prevail in our lives is another aspect of character. When we submit to them we allow them control over how we look at the world. And their cancer only grows and is rarely dormant. To become free of the killers and on the road to health will require courage and honesty – but remember that the killers are really cowards and you do have the power to overcome them.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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