Your… you: Part 2

I realize that the phrase sounds strange, but it really isn’t. My advice is: 1- never, as in ever, allow someone else to make the decision about who you are, what you do, how you go about doing it! Certainly seek advice or allow those you trust to speak into your life – but the final decision should remain with you. Your you. It really doesn’t have to ‘make sense’… to anyone but you. And do not apologize for you (unless you are apologizing for what you said/did that hurt someone else and you really do feel sorry).

2- Act your age! Have you ever been told that? What actually does ‘act your age’ mean? Abiding by an arbitrary standard of age correct behavior? Who sez? I suspect that you have to start with why the phrase is being uttered. Is there something you are saying… or doing… or not saying or doing? Often the phrase is only stated because of the underlying attempt to control and this has absolutely nothing to do with acting your age. But it can interfere with your expression of you.

Number 3 in ‘your you’ is to appreciate, value, and celebrate you. No, you’re not perfect; yes, you make mistakes but each step you take to become who you are gives you more understanding and the journey you are making. Growing may not be easy but it is the only journey of value. I know it may sound counter intuitive but valuing and discovering you frees you to value and discover others. You really can’t appreciate someone else until you first start with yourself.

You have a special, unique gift to give the world – something no one else can give/do. That gift is you. Not an attempted mirror of someone else, you! Only you have walked in your shoes which makes you who you are – the good and the bad. On the day you were born the world received a very special, one of a kind gift – you. And you also received a gift – life. What you do with your life determines your gift back. In many respects you are born with a debt – the responsibility to be a positive influence in your world.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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