Expect GREAT things!

Do you? For you, for your life? Or do you expect that the absolute worst will happen for you? That the ‘great things’ happen to others, not you? I’m not talking about ‘pie in the sky’ or looking at life through rose colored glasses, but what is your expectation? As I’ve said before, I’m a silver lining type. I expect that great things will happen. And you know… sometimes it’s only a matter of perspective.

Your perspective and your attitude really do determine your view of what’s happening in your life. Sometimes great things pass by because we don’t see them or don’t accept them. If you have missed the first opportunity, a second typically comes our way. Partly this is based in my non baseball view – it’s not always three strikes and you’re out. We do have second chances. But if you have missed the first, be alert for the next.

The first word in this phrase is expect. Do you expect and I don’t mean a drop into lap approach, but do you see the potential, the possible? Do you run to life, or from it? Each day really provides these opportunities because the implied word in this phrase is – now. ‘Eventually’ certainly isn’t a word that anyone would want to hear. Eventually is an undefined time and  now is… now! Now, read the number of times the word is used in scripture. ‘Now’ is an order, a directive. But it is for now – not, eventually.

I believe that tomorrow may beacon but now is where you are. You have to plan for the future but you live in the now. Why would anyone expect only for tomorrow? When you expect you are involved in your now, you are prepared to see. Perhaps the key question to the phrase is – what. What are you expecting? Is it a ‘possible’? Will you recognize ‘it’? Know what you expect and you will see the fruit.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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