Just a bit more…

I know we rarely think we have enough (everything) to (fill in the blank) but how much is … just a bit more? I suspect we really don’t have an answer to that either. But whatever the ‘it’ is that you don’t have enough of, we can use it as the basis for doing nothing. Yes, it is a bit of a cop out and before you yell ‘foul’ because I haven’t defined the word, think about this. What stops you from moving ahead? Do you honestly believe that you’ll receive whatever it is you think you need so you can move on? And… when? And just as important – whose your benefactor that will supply the missing ‘bit’?

Seriously. When you begin a project, do you plan ahead, consider options and alternatives, timeline it out, etc.? Or are you the ‘jump in feet first’ type? The latter embodies the catch phrase, “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail”, even though I don’t think the ‘jump in’ types consciously realize this. Another, equally important, question is – do you begin before everything is in place or do you wait to move ahead?

No value judgment on the ‘best’ method – but do you know how you proceed, when you proceed? Actually both approaches have pros and cons – but it really is important to know which you choose. The ‘just a bit more’ type will undoubtedly wait till everything is ready. But if you truly trust that whatever it is you don’t have now but will is going to happen, you may venture prior to having all you need. How you view your lack is really the issue.

The last question really needs to be answered first… how critical is the ‘little bit’? How important or how detrimental to the success of the project is it? And, if it’s critical for success then when and where and how will you receive what you need – who is your provider? A ‘just a bit more…’ may stop you permanently from proceeding or… you just may get creative about how you can compensate or adjust.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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